I'm not a git expert, sometimes I need a reminder when setting up a new repository of the commands necessary.
Some notes on ZFS pools & datasets on FreeBSD
This guide will walk through the configuration of SeedDMS 6.x to use LDAP for authentication.
Trying to install git
in a FreeBSD 12.2 jail produced this error
Yes, it would seem that a prolific number of pages have been posted in such a short space of time.
To configure a proxy server on a Windows device system wide, these are the current recommended registry keys
To schedule chkdsk
for the next restart, the drive to be checked must be locked by, for instance, setting a command prompt's current drive to the same drive.
KnotDNS is an authoritative DNS server available for multiple platforms. This article only refers to some sample commands to allow entries to be read, added & removed. More a note to self article.
This guide will walk through the installation and basic config of SeedDMS 6.x, at time of writing 6.0.17.